Benton County Title Company 

1863 - 2009

Founded in 1863, Benton County Title Company continues to serve Benton County by providing quality title work and being innovative in office 002.jpgthe county and the Iowa Land Title Association. Carlton Knupp, the only ILTA president to serve for three years (1943-1946), pioneered the uniform Iowa abstracter’s certificate. Jane Knupp, the first woman to serve on the ILTA Board of Directors, was the first in eastern Iowa to supplement the tract indices with microfilm records. Francis Beggs, ILTA President 1973-1974, was the first in Benton County to utilized copy machines and other technology to enhance title production. Current Benton County Title President, Chuck Juhl, ILTA President 1995-1996, initiated computer technology and was the first in Iowa to implement an imaging system for storage and retrieval of title records. 

The tenure and dedication of current employees continues to ensure the tradition of excellence established by their predecessors. At his death in 1945, George Knapp was the dean of Iowa abstracters and had one of the longest business tenures in Benton County (1889-1945). Leatha Richart served Benton County Title for 63 years and was the first employee to receive an Award of Merit from the Iowa Land Title Association for her length of service.  Francis Beggs (1964-1988) served on the Title Standards Committee which created most of the modern standards for abstracting. Each employee of the company has made great contributions in service to our customers, and continues to play a prominent role in Benton County Title’s success.   

New products and services provide our customers with the ability to complete their real estate transactions within tighter and tighter time frames and with as much ease as possible. From Abstracting, Searches, and Title Guaranty Certificates, we seek to add quality service and products that enhances our customers efforts to succeed. 

Let us know how we can help you with your transaction today.